Nebraska Concealed Carry Handgun Permit Instruction
Basic Handgun Instruction
Next Level Handgun and Mindset Instruction
Basic Handgun Instruction
Next Level Handgun and Mindset Instruction
Ron Attanasio is a family man whose faith in God and love for his country and family are his pillars in life. By career, he is a recently-retired Professor from the UNMC-College of Dentistry as well as recently retired from active part-time dental private practice. He is a firm believer in the USA's Constitution and the law-abiding citizen's right to bear arms and defend oneself and one's loved ones as is necessary per the situational circumstances. As a life-long learner and educator, he has a passion for sharing his knowledge and skills with other law-abiding citizens. He serves on his church's security team, and he has been shooting in handgun competitions since 2001. Yes, he is one of those "gun-toting and Bible-toting" freedom supporters as stated by one of this great country's infamous Presidents. (in·fa·mous = well known for some bad quality or deed.)
- Nebraska State Patrol Certified Concealed Handgun Permit Instructor
- NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor (National Rifle Association)
- NRA Certified Range Officer Instructor (National Rifle Association)
- Master, Glock Sport Shooting Foundation competitions
- Nebraska CHP permit holder (since 2007).
- Legal aspects of lethal force (Chris Zeeb).
- Understanding Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense (Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network).
- Advanced CCW (Chris Zeeb)
- MAG 20/40-Armed Citizens' Rules of Engagement (Massad Ayoob Group).
- Essential Handgun Skills-Levels 1 & 2 (88 Tactical).
- Intermediate Handgun Fighting Tactics-Level 3 (88 Tactical).
- Advanced Handgun-Level 4 (88 Tactical).
- Tactical Medical-Level 1 (88 Tactical).
- Advanced CCW (Craig Schneider-Lancaster County Sheriff).
- Tactical Conference (Rangemaster: Tom Givens/Massad Ayoob/Claude Werner/William Aprill).
- S.T.A.R.T. (Safety, Tactical, and Armed Response Training) with firearms training simulator (Ron Scheidt).
- Tactical Pistol-Level 1 (Safety Systems Group).
- Shooting Skills-Fundamental Analysis (Precision Response Training).
- Competition Skill Building (Precision Response Training).
- Handgun Techniques (Precision Response Training).
- CCW Lifestyle (Precision Response Training).
- After the Smoke Clears-Advanced Concealed Carry-Legal Aspects (Gary Young-Attorney for NE LEO).
- Room Clearing (Safety Systems Group).
- Theology of the Use of Force (Lincoln Berean Church).
- Church Security Conference (Brotherhood Mutual/Lincoln Berean Church).
- Understanding Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense (James Fleming; Marty Hayes; Massad Ayoob).
- Verbal De-Escalation (University of Nebraska-Lincoln Campus Police).
- Sheepdog Seminar: Wolves Among The Sheep (Lt Col David Grossman).
- Defensive Handgun (Heartland Defense).
- MAG 40 (Massad Ayoob)
- Legal Survival-Advanced CCW (Gary Young-Attorney for NE LEO).
- Tac Pistol I (Safety Systems Group).
- Tac Pistol II (Safety Systems Group).
- Church Security (Safety Systems Group).
- Fundamentals of Defensive Handgun (John Farnham).
- Advanced CCW (Heartland Defense).
- Unthinkable: Violent Criminal Actors (William Aprill; Aprill Risk Consulting).
- National Christian Church Security Conference (Srategos International).
- Tactical Application of the Pistol for Church Protectors (Strategos International).
- Legal Survival-Advanced CCW (Gary Young-Attornee for NE LEO).
- National Rifle Association
- Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network
- Glock Sport Shooting Foundation
- Thunder Alley Indoor Shooting Range
- Nebraska Firearms Owners Association
State Concealed Handgun Permits
- Nebraska
- Utah
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